Periodontal Treatment

What is

Periodontal Disease?

Periodontal disease, also called periodontitis, is a serious form of gum disease. It typically causes infections in the gums that lead to bone and soft tissue damage and in severe cases, tooth loss. Fortunately, the effects of periodontal disease can be managed with proper care and treatment. Periodontitis is a common dental problem but is easily preventable by maintaining good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly. Reno Dental Associates provides periodontal treatment options that get your oral hygiene back on track and help maintain your optimal oral health.

Gun Surgery


To better understand what the symptoms of periodontal disease are, it’s important to know what healthy gums look and feel like. Healthy gums are a pale-pink color and fit snuggly around the teeth. They should also be firm and have no tenderness or signs of bleeding. If you notice any of the following symptoms, be sure to contact your dentist and schedule an appointment for periodontal treatment before it gets out of hand:

  • Swollen or puffy gums
  • Discolored gums – look for dark or bright reds, and purplish colors
  • Gums that are tender to the touch
  • Gums that easily bleed
  • Bleeding when flossing or brushing
  • Bad breath
  • Puss in between the teeth and gums
  • Loose teeth or loss of teeth
  • Pain when chewing
  • Spaces developing between teeth
  • Receding gumline
  • Having an uneven bite that causes teeth to no longer match up when biting down


Periodontal disease is caused by heavy plaque and tartar buildup, poor oral hygiene, and long-resting bacteria. Once this buildup of plaque and bacteria advances, it develops into periodontitis which leads to more severe complications from tooth loss to serious respiratory and heart conditions.

Periodontal disease starts with the formation of plaque on the surface of your teeth. It’s important to brush at least twice a day to remove plaque because it builds up quickly. With heavy amounts of tartar buildup, it’s likely plaque will find its way beneath your gumline affecting the soft tissue. The longer plaque rests on your teeth, the more damage it’s going to cause. Plaque can also cause gingivitis, a mild form of gum disease that can quickly turn to periodontitis. The ongoing irritation and inflammation of the gums often lead to periodontal disease as well. 


Untreated periodontitis can cause serious oral and general health complications including:

  • Tooth loss
  • Bacteria mixing into the bloodstream that leads to serious infection
  • Respiratory disease
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Coronary artery disease and other cardiovascular diseases
  • Increases blood sugar putting diabetics at higher risk of complication

Periodontal Treatment

There are multiple methods of periodontal treatment that your dentist may recommend. They are separated into two categories, surgical and nonsurgical. Your recommended level of care will depend on the severity of your condition and will require a thorough exam to determine the best treatment method.

Nonsurgical Periodontal Treatment – Mildly Invasive Procedures for Early to Moderate Gum Disease

  • Scaling – Scaling is considered to be a form of deep cleaning that removes plaque and bacteria from your teeth’s surface and underlying tissues.
  • Root Planing – Root planing is common for periodontal treatment and is done to smooth the surface of the tooth’s root to prevent further buildup of tartar and bacteria.
  • Antibiotics – Topical and oral antibiotics are often used to control bacterial infections.

Surgical Periodontal Treatment – For Advanced Gum Disease

  • Pocket reduction surgery – Heavy buildup of tartar can cause pockets to form in between the teeth and gums which can then fill with bacteria and become infected. Pocket reduction surgery involves small incisions made along the gums to expose the root for more efficient scaling and planing.
  • Soft Tissue Grafts – Soft tissue grafting is done to treat receding gumlines. The remaining gum tissue will need to be reinforced to limit further damage. This process involves removing a small amount of tissue from the top of your mouth (palate) and is reattached to the affected area.
  • Bone Grafting – Bone grafting is done when the periodontal disease has become so advanced that it has caused bone loss surrounding the affected tooth root. It will help prevent tooth loss, keep your teeth in place, and promotes the regrowth of natural bone.


to Happy, Healthy Teeth

If you have painful, swollen gums that bleed easily, or loose and sensitive teeth, connect with Reno Dental Associates right away. We’ll perform a physical examination of your mouth to determine the root of the problem. In severe cases, we may recommend a specialized doctor to treat gum disease called a periodontist.