Reno Tooth Extractions

If good oral hygiene is not practiced regularly there is a chance you’ll need a Reno tooth extraction.

Losing a single tooth can have a major effect on your oral health and appearance. Reno dentists try everything they can to avoid a tooth loss, but sometimes tooth extractions are the safer option. Our team of Reno, Nevada dental associates are happy to consult with you on whether an extraction may be the best option.

Tooth Extractions

Why Tooth Extractions Are Necessary: While Reno dentists prioritize preserving the natural tooth structure, there are situations where tooth extraction is unavoidable. Some of these circumstances include:

  • Malpositioned Teeth: If teeth are not aligned properly, they might cause bite problems or overcrowding. Removal can provide relief and make space for orthodontic treatment.
  • Fractured Teeth or Roots: A severe fracture that extends into the root often leaves no other alternative than extraction.
  • Impacted Teeth: These are teeth that fail to emerge through the gums, such as wisdom teeth, which can cause pain and structural issues.
  • Severe Decay: When decay reaches the pulp and causes infection, and if root canal therapy is not feasible, extraction might be the solution.
  • Advanced Periodontal Disease: This is an infection of the structures around the teeth. If it affects the tooth’s stability, extraction may be required.
  • Infection or Abscess: An untreated infection can spread and impact the surrounding teeth and tissue. In severe cases, the infected tooth might need removal.
  • Orthodontic Correction: In some orthodontic cases, teeth are extracted to create space for the movement of other teeth.

The Procedure: After a thorough examination, if a Reno dentist deems an extraction necessary, the following steps are usually taken:

  • X-Ray: This helps in understanding the tooth’s shape, position, and its relation to surrounding structures.
  • Referral to Oral Surgeon: Depending on the complexity of the case, a general dentist might refer you to an oral surgeon who specializes in surgical procedures of the mouth.
  • Anesthesia: Before the extraction, local anesthesia will be applied to numb the area, ensuring a pain-free experience.
  • Extraction: The tooth will be removed carefully, ensuring minimal trauma to the surrounding tissues.

Post-Extraction Care: Aftercare is essential to ensure proper healing

  • Pain Management: Some discomfort is expected. Over-the-counter painkillers can be used as directed, and ice packs should be applied to the cheek to minimize swelling.
  • Oral Care: Avoid rinsing or spitting forcefully for 24 hours to let the blood clot form. After this period, gently rinse with warm salt water.
  • Diet: Consume soft foods and avoid hot beverages and spicy foods.
  • Activity: Rest and avoid heavy physical activity for a day or two.
  • Follow-Up: It’s essential to follow any additional instructions given by the dentist and to attend any recommended follow-up appointments.

If you believe you may require a tooth extraction, call us to schedule an examination appointment. One of our dentists then will be able to assess what the ideal treatment plan is.

After you come in for an examination, our Reno dentist may recommend a tooth extraction. If an extraction is suggested, the dentist will perform an x-ray to understand the shape and position of the tooth extraction area. Then, depending on the degree of difficulty, you may be referred to an oral surgeon.

Expect a certain level of pain and discomfort after the tooth has been extracted. Ice packs and pain killers should be applied to minimize discomfort. Make sure to apply ice about every 15 minutes. After the Reno tooth extraction procedure, if you’ve followed the care routine, the pain should subside within two weeks. If your tooth extraction continues to hurt, swell, bleed, or cause a fever, contact Reno Dental Associates immediately.

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Wisdom Tooth Extractions

Most people need their wisdom teeth extracted at some point in life. Wisdom teeth are also known as the “third molars.” They grow and develop in the back of your jaw, top to bottom. Expect wisdom teeth to begin emerging in the mouth between ages 16 to 20.

Why do we have wisdom teeth? When your mouth is properly positioned and healthy, wisdom teeth can be a valuable asset. Yet, problems often develop that need for an extraction. Usually this becomes a problem because the jaw is not large enough to fit in the last set, causing misaligned or crooked teeth. In fairly normal cases wisdom teeth may grow sideways, emerging only halfway past the gum. In other cases, the tooth may be trapped under the gum.

A wisdom tooth extraction is a relatively safe and routine procedure. Expect the dentist to numb your mouth with local anesthesia or use IV sedation to put you to sleep.

After the wisdom tooth is extracted, you’ll be asked to bite down on gauze for 30 to 45 minutes after finishing the extraction. The gauze will help limit the bleeding. Pain and swelling may occur, but will subside after a few days. If it causes severe pain, fever, swelling or bleeding for longer than expected, come in to see our Nevada dental associates.