tmj pain, tooth extractionReaching the age where you think you may need a Reno tooth extraction to get your wisdom teeth removed? Did your dentist recommend it? If you’re feeling pain in the very back of your mouth, it may be time to start thinking about having your wisdom teeth removed. Most young adults that need a wisdom tooth extraction have the teeth come in between 16 and 20 years old. Your dentist can provide X-rays and the best recommendations for as to whether a Reno tooth extraction is needed, and when.

So you need to have your wisdom teeth taken out. Knowing what to expect and asking questions of your dentist or oral surgeon can make this procedure feel less daunting. Reno Dental Associates has dentists that can help you through your whole Reno tooth extraction procedure with care!

During Your Reno Tooth Extraction Procedure

Before your procedure begins, you’ll be given local anesthesia. With a local anesthesia tooth extraction, you’ll have a numbing agent injected into your gums. Your dentist will numb your gums slightly before injecting the local anesthetic. With this anesthetic, you’ll still remember your extraction procedure and be aware of what is going on, but you will not notice pain.

While your first oral surgery can be nerve-wracking, remember that this is a fairly routine procedure that many people will undergo in their life.

The Procedure

The procedure for a Reno tooth extraction is fairly simple and most often routine from patient to patient.
The dentist or oral surgeon will first expose your tooth and bone with a small incision in your gums.
Your dentist will assess the easiest way to access the tooth, which may include removing bone in the way or removing the tooth in sections.
After removing the tooth, your dentist or oral surgeon will remove any leftover debris from your gums.
Often dentists will then stitch the tooth extraction site closed to help increase the rate of healing.
Lastly, your Reno dentist or oral surgeon will pack gauze over the extraction site to help stem bleeding. This will carry straight into your care routine over the next several days.

Post Reno Tooth Extraction Care

After your Reno tooth extraction procedure, your dentist or oral surgeon will provide you with detailed instructions to care for your mouth. A wisdom tooth extraction, although routine, will often cause some bruising and pain for several days following the procedure. Your best option is to plan your surgery during a time when you can take a few days off of any strenuous activities; this will help you manage the pain and hopefully increase the speed of healing!

Common Tips

Listed below are some of the most common tips for handling post-op care:

  • Handling Bleeding: You may notice some leftover bleeding from the site after your operation. This is normal! Follow your dentist’s instructions for replacing the gauze frequently to help minimize this bleeding.
  • Managing Pain: Some amount of pain is to be expected after this procedure. The amount depends primarily on the complexity of the Reno tooth extraction and the individual. Your oral surgeon or dentist will likely either recommend an over-the-counter pain medication or prescribe you stronger medication depending on the extent of your procedure.
  • Bruising or Swelling of Your Cheek: Many people will experience some amount of bruising or swelling after the Reno tooth extraction. The easiest way to relieve this is by regularly icing your cheek! Follow your dentist’s instructions. It may take a few days for both bruising and swelling to decrease.
  • Eating and Drinking: Make sure to rehydrate following your Reno tooth extraction procedure! Avoid beverages that are caffeinated, carbonated, contain alcohol, or are hot to help speed up the healing process. Also avoid drinking from a straw for a week following your procedure. This is to avoid removing the blood clot in the extraction site. Eat soft foods only for the first 24 hours and then start to introduce semisoft foods as you can tolerate them. Ease into any foods that may irritate or get stuck in the extraction socket.

These are just a few tips to get you thinking about your post-operation care, but always follow the instructions of your dentist or oral surgeon. Contact Reno Dental Associates with any questions or concerns you may have!