Graduation season is here! So it’s never been a better time to schedule a dental checkup and cleaning before the ceremonies. After all, these events mark the beginning of young adulthood – so start off with good oral health! Luckily, the team at Reno Dental Associates offers a wide range of helpful and popular dental services to fit your health needs and schedule (before finals week and graduation parties!)
A healthy smile lets your confidence flourish.
After a visit to the dentist, your graduate will also:
- Get a confidence boost!
- Feel fresh before summer.
- Not having to worry about it on vacation.
- Having a stand-out smile on their social media!
For a camera-ready smile, a cleaning by our Reno cosmetic dentists can help by eliminating built up plaque and tartar. As far as dental procedures go, teeth whitening delivers the most bang for your buck and is a key step towards a health-conscious future.
Let Your Smile Gleam With Our Cosmetic Dental Options
Cleanings are a great way to prevent bad breath, cavities, and tooth loss.
Even if you or your child consider yourselves to be an expert when it comes to brushing and flossing, you can’t always get those difficult to reach corners. It’s important to keep in mind that tartar can only be removed by professionals.
Note: Patients who are at high risk for dental disease include those who smoke, have gum disease already, have diabetes, or get cavities often.
Look Good, Feel Better With Reno Dental Associates
Our team of Reno family dentists enjoy helping patients improve their daily habits and strongly encourage them to make a routine out of scheduling teeth cleanings. Make an appointment today to gain confidence to smile for photos and a fresh feeling before summer vacation or your future endeavors!
Learn About Your Cosmetic Dentistry Options Here